Totem Boutique Eco Warrior Series

Collectively as a society, we have been encouraged to embrace the habit of not considering the sequence and conditions to which the clothing that is marketed to us is made, let alone how the process of unsustainable manufacturing can affect all life upon the Earth. As the true cost of where we put our dollar is intentionally placed in the shadows by advertisement, the reality of environmental devastation and oppressive labor that the fast fashion industry facilitates is unfortunately shielded from the awareness of so many consumers.

Growing up being clothed and cared for by influential adults in my early life, as a young girl it was never a necessity for me to question where my clothing came from nor how it was made. It was only until I was much older, that I unintentionally came across a blog post that exposed the truth of the fast fashion industry that completely changed my perspective on clothing.

Most clothing manufacturers completely disregard safety regulations for their workers, employing millions of people to work in factories that are prone to collapse, lack fire exists or smoke alarms, and contain disease causing chemicals and bacteria. Behind the closed doors of clothing factories, women and children as young as twelve are forced to work overtime, often for no more than 50 cents per day. Becoming aware of the extremely oppressive work environments that millions of clothing factory workers endure, I came to the realization that so many wealthy, well known clothing companies value their dollar more than the lives of their workers and the welfare of the Earth. As the satisfaction of expressive myself through clothing that I was initially consuming quickly began to dissipate, I embarked on a journey for ways I could feel embodied in my clothing without negatively impacting the Earth with my purchases.

Along my sustainable clothing scavenger hunt, I became exposed to the crafts of local artisans that I had never been exposed to prior. Visiting locally owned clothing stores and farmers markets, I discovered some of of my favorite clothing brands and began to feel more connected to the local artists within my community. One of the brands I came across and quickly fell in love with is Rehasht, a clothing brand founded by an eccentric, eco mother daughter duo that recycles unwanted fabrics and clothing into wearable pieces of art. Using plant based dyes and innovative designs, their artisanal clothing is consciously constructed and incredibly unique. You can find their clothing at Totem of Trilogy Sanctuary, a collective boutique that embodies community and advocation for sustainable, fabulous local fashion. I encourage you to go on an exciting, sustainable clothing scavenger hunt of your own, and adventure for the local clothing gems in your community who compassionately contribute to building a society that values all elements of life on Earth.

Aya Chabayta || Totem Boutique Eco Warrior
President & Lead Teacher of Aya Art Co.